Our style of worship is fairly relaxed, with a mix of traditional hymns and modern worship songs, accompanied by our pipe organ, piano or music group. Services last about an hour, with children and young people leaving part way through to join their own groups. Time is set aside for prayer and reflection, and there is always a sermon/address. All services are followed by refreshments, served in our Friendship Room behind.
Communion services
These are usually held on the first Sunday of each month
and are open to all.
Communion is a time of quietness as we remember
and give thanks together.
We receive communion in our seats.
The bread and wine are distributed by the deacons
and we eat the bread as it is brought round.
Then we wait until all have been served with individual mini cups of wine (non-alcoholic) and drink together, to show that we are one body.
There is also quiet prayer and reflection as we give thanks
for the bread and wine.
Believer's Baptism
and Dedication
Believer’s baptism is a special moment on the journey of faith.
It is a moment when God's presence and blessing meets us and when we make our personal commitment of faith
in Jesus as Lord.
It signifies the end of our old life and of being born again to new life in Christ. Normally taking place by full immersion in water it speaks of repentance and cleansing, of being united with Christ in his death and resurrection,
and of witnessing to the call of God upon our lives.
The vast majority of Christian churches affirm baptism as a moment when we receive God's gift and respond in faith.
Not all practise believer's baptism. Many baptise those who are too young to make their own response of commitment to Christian discipleship so parents make promises on their behalf that are later 'confirmed' by the person themselves when they are of an age to do so.
As a Baptist Church, we welcome children into the Church during a service of Dedication and infant blessing,
which is the blessing of the children and the dedication of the parents. These services do not involve water.
Many Baptists will want to welcome and affirm those who have a different story to tell of how they have been baptised and come to faith while still declaring the conviction that believer’s baptism is the pattern that is set out for us in scripture:
1) Jesus set an example: Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22).
2) Jesus commands us: In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
There are other examples of baptism throughout the book of Acts which suggests that believer's baptism was an integral part of early church life.
If you want to know more or have any queries about believer's baptism or dedication please contact us.
Every Sunday at 10:30am