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We are a friendly and informal congregation, with a wide age range, worshipping together and seeking to show the love of God in the world through Christ. 

We are committed to searching out the meaning of our faith, exploring and questioning what it means to be Christian in our multicultural society.

We celebrate God's gift of diversity, and welcome people to share our journey, whatever their age, race, culture, gender, sexuality, economic status, or physical or mental ability.

We acknowledge with pain the injustices in our society and in the church; and want to share with all those who struggle against abuse, oppression or exploitation in any form. 

We seek to be a community working together to grow in faith.

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From 1880 a small group of people met in homes to worship and plan a new Baptist Church for the south end of Crewe.  

 By 1882 they moved to a room above the Britannia Coffee Bar in Station Street.

There were 19 people who formed the General Baptist Church and planned the building in Union Street which was completed to a design by

J Wallis Chapman and occupied in 1884.

Over the years many faithful members have worshipped and worked here for their love of God.  Our present congregation continue to do so!


There is a choir which rehearses  most Tuesday evenings at the church.  If you enjoy singing, and would like to come along on Tuesdays and join our Augmented Choir we would  be pleased to see you.

Rehearsals start at 7:00pm


The Music Group helps to provide an alternative sound for Sunday Worship. Contemporary songs, accompanied by a variation of piano, keyboard, guitars, woodwind and percussion.

 They usually practise on Saturday mornings.

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